Why Won't My Child Listen?

Why Doesn’t My Child Listen?

Whether you are raising a two year-old or a seventeen-year old, defiant behavior is most likely a familiar topic to you.  As children grow and begin to develop their values and opinions, their assertion of these views often become more frequent.  They want to make their own decisions, at their own pace, and likely without your input.

But they still live in your home.  So how do you allow them to develop their personalities and healthy decision-making skills while still respecting your rules and expectations?  Communication, positive reinforcement, and structure are key.  Children or adolescents need to understand your expectations of their behavior to reduce conflict and increase harmony.

Find ways to help your child successfully navigate childhood and adolescence.

Understanding the Root of the Problem

Understanding where your child's defiance comes from is key.  There are many factors that may impact your child's behaviors, including inter-personal relationships.  Our licensed therapists will help you assist your son or daughter in developing frustration tolerance and problem solving skills as well as address family dynamics.

Stop The Fighting

Arguing, cursing, destroying property, or defiant behavior can significantly impact a home environment.  Our clinicians understand the impact conflict and opposition can have on a family.  At Grit Healthcare , you will learn techniques to effectively and successfully respond to your child's behavior.

Disclaimer: This website is for informational purposes only.  It does not, and should not, serve as mental health services.  Should you, or someone you know, be experiencing a mental health crisis, call 911 or proceed to the nearest emergency room.